Journal of Reproduction and Development
Online ISSN : 1348-4400
Print ISSN : 0916-8818
ISSN-L : 0916-8818
JSAR and the Society for Reproductive Biology (Australia) Joint Symposium 2005: Towards "Clean, Green and Ethical" Animal Reproduction
Reproduction Performance and Management of Dairy Cattle
Author information

2006 Volume 52 Issue 1 Pages 185-194


Internationally, reproductive performance of dairy cattle is declining. Under the low production, pasture-based and seasonal calving system used in New Zealand, reproductive performance is also declining, but remains higher than for many other industries. The seasonal calving system requires a high level of reproductive performance to ensure a 365 day inter-calving interval. About 80% of cows are detected in oestrus and inseminated in the first 3 weeks of the seasonal breeding programme and have a conception rate of 55% to 65% to this first insemination. This results in ∼75% and ∼90% of cows being pregnant by 6 weeks and by the end of the breeding programme, respectively. However, reproductive performance is declining due to multiple factors including increasing herd size, reduced oestrus detection sensitivity and specificity, declining body condition score at calving and increased rate of body condition score loss postpartum. Continuing selection for increased milk production is also having negative effects on reproduction. The mechanisms by which high production and negative energy balance are reducing reproductive performance are becoming better understood. However, practical solutions for the problem are challenging for veterinarians and consultants, especially given the consumer preference for less interventions.

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© 2006 Society for Reproduction and Development

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