Online ISSN : 2186-5256
Print ISSN : 0004-7120
ISSN-L : 0004-7120
栗山 正明青柳 哲雄秋野 昇磯崎 信光伊藤 孝雄井上 多加志宇佐美 広次薄井 勝富海老沢 昇大島 克己小原 祥裕大原 比呂志大賀 徳道奥村 義和椛澤 稔河合 視巳人小泉 純一佐藤 藤雄高橋 春次竹之内 忠藤原 幸雄本田 敦宮本 賢治宮本 直樹藻垣 和彦山本 正弘山崎 武渡辺 和弘松岡 守小野 要一川島 秀一谷井 正博
ジャーナル フリー

1996 年 38 巻 11 号 p. 912-922


A 500keV/10MW negative-ion based NBI system for JT-60 has been completed in March 1996 and an injection experiment has started. This system is the first NBI system based on negative-ions, which is considered to be the first candidate as a plasma heating and current drive device for the ITER (International thermo-nuclear fusion experimental reactor), and the purpose of the system is to prove physically and technically the feasibility of realizing the negative-ion based NBI system. Prior to the completion of the whole NBI system, an ion source-power supply coupling test has been conducted to confirm the performance of negative-ion generation and beam acceleration with a part of the NBI system completed in March 1995. In the test between June and October 1995, a deuterium negative-ion beam has reached an acceleration current of 13.5A, ion beam power of 5.4MW at the beam energy of 400keV, which is the world highest negative-ion beam power. The whole NBI system has completed in December 1995. After confirming the performance of two ion sources, beamline and power supply, a deuterium beam of 180keV, -0.1MW has been injected into the JT-60 plasma successfully in March 1996.

© by the Atomic Energy Society of Japan
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